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Our Services: Stress Echo (Dobutamine)

A dobutamine stress echo is a combination of an echo test and a drug-induced stress test using the drug dobutamine. This is an alternative way of stressing the heart for people who are unable to exercise on a treadmill. Dobutamine is an adrenaline-like medicine that makes your heart pump harder and faster like exercise does. We use dobutamine instead of treadmill exercise in people with poor health, joint problems, poor circulation in their legs, lung problems or the elderly. The dobutamine stress echo test takes 1 1/2 hours to complete. The test is performed while you lay on a couch on your left side. ECG electrodes are attached to your chest to monitor the electrical activity of your heart during the test. A blood pressure cuff is applied to your arm to monitor your blood pressure and automatically inflates every few minutes throughout the study. An intravenous (IV) will be placed in your arm and dobutamine will be given to you through this IV. Initially you will feel nothing at the start, but it is normal for you to feel your heart beat harder and faster with higher doses of the drug. Sometimes the dobutamine may cause some chest discomfort, nausea or shortness of breath. Throughout the study, your heart will be continuously imaged with ultrasound. It is important that you tell us if you feel anything uncomfortable or unusual during the test.


When the test is over, the dobutamine is stopped and your heart beat soon returns to normal. The IV is then removed from your arm and you will be able to go home. You may feel a little tired after the test, but you should soon feel normal again. If you have any problems after the test or if you have any questions, please call your doctor. Your doctor will be sent the results of your test by the next day. To prepare for this test, you must: Eat a light breakfast or lunch. Take your medicine as usual unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

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