Integrated MIMS Version: March 2016 Login | | Sitemap
Privacy Policy

It is the policy of Cardio Vascular Services to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal and health information of its clients. It is also the policy of Cardio Vascular Services to abide by the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and all subsequent amendments.

Cardio Vascular Services is required to collect personal information from you for the purpose of assisting this medical practice in assessing, diagnosing or treating a particular health condition or suspected health condition. The personal and health information collected will also be used in the following areas:

1.            Disclosure to others involved in your health care including treating doctors, specialists and other healthcare professionals outside this medical practice. This may occur through referral to other doctors, referral for medical tests and in the reports or results returned to us following referrals.
2.            Administrative purposes in running the medical practice, including billing purposes such as compliance with Medicare Australia and the Dept of Veterans’ Affairs.
3.            Disclosure for research, teaching and quality assurance activities to improve individual and community health care and practice management.
We require your consent to collect personal information and health information about you.  Your consent will cover:
·           An understanding of the reasons your personal and health information is required to be collected.
·           That you are not obliged to provide any information requested of you, but that failure to do so might compromise your health care and treatment.
·           Your right to access the personal and health information collected, except in circumstances where access might legitimately be withheld. 
·           An understanding that if your personal and health information is to be used for any purpose other than set out above, your further consent will be obtained (unless otherwise ordered by a court of law).
·           The handling of your personal and health information by Cardio Vascular Services for the purposes set out above, subject to any limitations on access or disclosure.

Copyright © 2008 - 2009 Cardio Vascular Services